Want to earn money while contributing to a cleaner environment and supporting a local economy ?We give you the solutions you need to succeed.

Since 2009, 99% of our customers have rated our service as ‘excellent’ or ‘very good’. Over 1/3 of our orders come from word-of-mouth recommendations.

We are fully accredited with all the major industry bodies.

Your solar system is installed by professionally trained and licensed solar system installers and electricians.

Our team has been involved in over 3000 solar system installations across Ontario, making us one of the nation’s leading independent installers.

We only provide high-quality, cost-effective components to our customers to ensure that each system performs efficiently and reliably for its lifetime – giving the best returns possible.

We guarantee our workmanship for 3 years while most of our equipment carries manufacturer warranties of between 20 and 25 years, depending on the model.

We offer a comprehensive service that includes application processing, sourcing OPA’s domestic content approved equipment, permits processing, design, material, installation and finance. We work with each customer to deliver the most suitable system that would offer the best returnsand meet their needs.

We cover all of Ontario, because we appreciate that a local service is important to our customers.

We provide Emergency Technical Support which is available 24x7x365.

We are one of the Ontario’s oldest registered solar PV installers. Furthermore, we are backed by Ontario Goverment Power Authority ; so our customers can have complete peace of mind.

We are the only company with one-of-a-kind custom web-based software developed over the last 3 years to design and manage all of our solar projects in compliance with Ontario’s FIT program.This is a very unique and important advantage you will enjoy as it allows us to monitor your solar system and gives you access to your solar system’s performance 24/7.

Help me offset up to 50% on home
energy costs with solar
